BonusLink in Presto

By Presto
31 Jan 2022
BonusLink was launched in 1998 as Malaysia’s premier consumer rewards program. They understand the joy of everyday rewards which is why they’ve made collecting and redeeming BonusLink Points so simple and hassle-free.
Presto is BonusLink’s strategic e-commerce partner for exclusive rewards offering.
Link your BonusLink account in Presto App and reap the benefits now!
Exclusive Promo for a limited time: All Presto users who link their BonusLink account for the first time will get 200 BonusLink Points!
Link Your BonusLink Account via Presto App
Combined Payment with BonusLink Points
Redeem Item from BonusLink App
(The checkout process is the same as the “Pay for Your Item with BonusLink Points” infographic above)
BonusLink Points Award
How to Spend and Earn BonusLink Points at PrestoMart